Thursday, December 21, 2017

Book Review: Merry and Bright by Debbie Macomber

Okay, I'm done with Christmas romances for the season.  Merry and Bright gave me that warm, holiday feeling I always look for.

Merry has a temporary job and is working on a hard, fast approaching deadline.  She's working overtime, and it is difficult during the holiday season.  Especially when her mother is ill, her father travels, and her brother has Down syndrome. It doesn't help that her boss, Jayson Bright, is such a crab.  He never smiles and doesn't appreciate Merry or the other employees.

There's the setup.  Merry and Jayson both try using an online dating service and end up communicating via chatting, but they don't know that they know each other.  This goes on for a while, and they really like each other, so they decide to meet.  I think that's all I'll say because if I tell you too much more, I'm telling you the whole story.

I enjoyed Merry and Bright, but it's a short novel, and it still dragged on too long.  We hear way too often about how Merry loves Christmas, and how she would do anything for her family.  We hear way too often about how Jayson had a horrible upbringing and his family didn't care about him, and he doesn't care about Christmas.  I just wanted to say, "Tell each other who you are, for God's sake!" The tension didn't really mount the way I like it too.  It was just more of the same for the middle of the book until the final resolution.  Which is happy, of course.

I enjoyed Merry and Bright, don't get me wrong.  I read it in one day, so even with the middle feeling kind of repetitive, it was still quick.  This is Macomber's newest Christmas story, so at least I hadn't read this one before! If you need a quick, Christmas romance, here's your book.

Published by Ballentine, October 3, 2017
Copy obtained from the library
224 pages

Rating: 3.5/5

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1 comment:

  1. It's funny how we all want a feel-good book for the holidays, I'm glad this one worked for you even though it wasn't perfect.


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